Monday, March 09, 2009

Damn! That's A Lot of Breakfast Cereal.

Oh Canada!?! Why the hell can't you carry some wholesome sugary goodness on our grocery store shelves like our American counterparts? Why does our cereal suck so bad down here nowadays in this health conscious society that everything has to be lacking taste and moral fiber (although you get plenty of bland regular fiber in that bowl). I've been an avid eater of sugary breakfast cereal since I was born and the 80s and early 90s were my glory years of what I felt was a tasty, nutritious breakfast. Now back in October 2008 myself and a couple of friends made the trip to Buffalo, New York to go shopping, they shopped for clothing and housewares and I shopped for American junk food. I was so glad to come back home with my 3 boxes of sugary, not-so-good for you cereal (Apple Jacks, Cookie Crisp, and Fruity Pebbles) that I had to crack open that box of Cookie Crisp right away and let me tell you...I was in FUCKIN HEAVEN LOL! I remember eating Cookie Crisp as a kid back in the early 90s, the only place in Western Canada that carried it was chain of cheap department stores known as BiWay. I was hooked immediately and BiWay also had a variety of different flavored cereals that featured the Looney Tunes characters on the boxes that also kicked ass growing up but when BiWay went out of business, so to did the sugary cereals in Canada. Yeah I've been eating some free leftover Kashi cereal I got from Red Flag Deals (thanx Darrin!) but this shit just isn't the same so hopefully when the weather warms up here I'm gonna go for that junk food run across the border for a weekend and away from the evil, bland tasting, so-called healthy cereal for sugary, good tasting, cavity filling pastures. For all you cereal lovers out there like myself here's an interesting link I found called Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide and basically is a historic timeline of all the cereals and it's company mascots released throughout the years...who the fuck knew Gremlins, Bill & Ted and Hot Wheels had their own cereals?!?! Bring back Mr. T cereal!!!!

1 comment:

A said...

I pity the fool that eats granola!

Let me know when you're going back down. My thing is the Dr Pepper Cherry Vanilla Root Beer, not the crappy diet-only version they had in Canada briefly but the regular one in all its fructose glory!