Monday, February 16, 2009


With the remake coming out this year I felt I had to revisit my favorite Jason flick in this incredibly long running series. Yes this is the Frankenstein Jason in this movie as he is brought back to life by electricity during a storm and man he's pissed. I enjoyed this one a lot because not only is it violent as hell as Jason does his usual business but also it seems like the filmmakers actually gave a damn about this sequel and injected some humor into this entry, something that hasn't been explored in this series. If you haven't seen any of these Friday the 13th films don't start with the first one, watch this one instead. Review of the remake (or re-imagining, whatever you want to call it) coming soon!

The Boom Verdict: 4 out of 5

1 comment:

Jester Jay said...

Nicely done Mr. Boom, I dig that one too. But my favourite Friday the 13th has to be Jason takes Manhattan (No. 8)!

Three scenes stand out.

1. Girl gets killed with an electric guitar.

2. Dude boxes Jason on a roof. When he finally gets too winded to continue hitting the hockey mask he stands up to take the wallop from Jason. Jason takes his head clean off and it lands in a dumpster!

3. Jason finally gets to Manhattan and kicks a stereo away from some "gang bangers". They yell at him and instead of killing them all, Jason raises his mask off camera. They run away. He lowers the mask and continues after the teenagers from the Cruise liner he has been tormenting.

These movies are all stellar, and honestly the remake was probably the best slasher movie remake of all time.